Saturday, February 14, 2015

Welcome to the Fold: Quick Thoughts for Writers

So you identify as a writer. What qualifies you? Do you put pen to paper--or fingers to keys, as it were? Do you dream of new worlds and characters that transcend your reality? Do you blog? The defining quality of a writer is, simply, to write.

On that note, I feel the need to point out that we all have slumps. You will have days, weeks, months, and sometimes years where you don't feel like writing a thing. Does that suddenly strip you of the right to label yourself a writer? Of course not! The important thing is to push past that funk and get back to what you love.

You'll find blogs and articles all over the web on what makes a writer successful. You'll find hard and fast rules for any writer to adhere to. You'll read a dozen different views on what makes a writer, well, a writer.

Oh, you can't claim to be a writer until you've published something. 
No, e-books don't count. 
Traditional publishing is the only route to claiming that badge. 

Screw that. Make your own rules, set your own bar, and try every day to meet and exceed your expectations. What works for you won't necessarily work for everyone else. The goal here, again, is to write. Find what works best for you. And never--I repeat, NEVER--let anyone make you feel those goals and accomplishments aren't worthy.

Keep writing, my friends.

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